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KyPass 1.9

카테고리 없음

by fidephogufislan 2021. 6. 10. 14:58


  1. Skypass 1 9 2
  2. Skypass 1 99
  3. Keepass 1.9 1

Oct 13, 2018 A feature asked by many users was also added: KyPass now opens the last database at start. Please, could you change your ratings in the AppStore. KyPass 1.9.3 have received too much 1 star and even if I understand why, it will do great harm for the future of KyPass on macOS. Apr 16, 2019  The KeePassRPC plugin that needs to be installed inside KeePass in order for Kee to be able to connect your browser to your passwords - kee-org/keepassrpc. Mar 07, 2015  - View, Edit, and Create KeePass 1.x and 2.x files - Search for entries from the top of tables like in Mail - Key File Support - Copy password entries to the clipboard for easy entry - Open websites in Safari while KeePass Touch runs in the background - Prevent unauthorized access to KeePass.


This version fix the bug with macOS versions before Mojave.

A feature asked by many users was also added: KyPass now opens the last database at start.

Please, could you change your ratings in the AppStore. KyPass 1.9.3 have received too much 1 star and even if I understand why, it will do great harm for the future of KyPass on macOS.

We still have great improvements in our todo list and suggestions are welcome (join us on the forum).

You could change (or add) a rating here

Thanks (and sorry again for the last problem)

Skypass 1 9 2

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Skypass 1 99

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Keepass 1.9 1

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