The new Tower adds a lot of great features that help me go on with my day faster; like the ability to create pull-requests directly from the tool. Dan Counsell CEO at Realmac Tower is the perfect Git client, I honestly wouldn’t want to use anything else.
- Atlassian SourceTree is a GUI client you can use to quickly and easily view the status of Git, Mercurial, and Subversion source repositories. SourceTree provides special support for hosted DVCS systems such as Bitbucket Cloud and GitHub.
- Install Git on Mac OS X Install Git on Windows Install Git on Linux. Git Cheatsheet. Getting Started. Setting up a repository. Git init git clone git config git alias. Create a 'repository' (project) with a git hosting tool (like Bitbucket) Copy (or clone) the repository to your local machine; Add a file to your local repo and 'commit.
- There are several ways to install Git on a Mac. In fact, if you've installed XCode (or it's Command Line Tools), Git may already be installed. To find out, open a terminal and enter git --version. $ git --version git version 2.7.0 (Apple Git-66) Apple actually maintain and ship their own fork of Git.
- It is a free tool to synchronize your projects with bitbucket's svn or git servers. The client tell you when exist an update, so you are always on way. Between bitbucket and windows client, SourceTree is the better solution.
Active19 days ago
Personally I'd just install Cygwin and proceed with the usual *nix shell tools, but I need to make a software recommendation to some clients that need something a bit more newbie friendly.
The situation is that several clients have developed website(s) of the mostly static HTML sort, but the server they need to deploy to doesn't have the usual collection of 1990s protocols available (for example, no FTP). In fact, there is no access to any graphical interface. Deployment is handled through Git. Changes need to be pushed to a a remote repository that is accessible only via SSH key login. Any commits to the master branch pushed by the authorized key trigger a hook script that deploys the site to the production servers.
I am looking to suggest a Git client for Windows that:
- makes it relatively simple to setup and initialize…
- …one or more local repositories.
- …a single git+ssh remote.
- …authentication using an RSA key pair (generation of this would be a bonus).
- has a simple interface where a basic workflow of committing and pushing is easy to accomplish without understanding the intricacies of distributed version control.
There is a GitLab instance available for each client that has one project per domain and makes adding their public key fairly easy. It also gives the clone/remote URLs for each project and makes it fairly easy to check what the status of the remote repository is.
Open source would be preferred, but any reputable freeware would be acceptable. What client software should I point them to?
Edit: Most suggestions to date seem to focus on full blown front ends to all of Git's functionality. I'm looking for something more pared down that only covers the basics and is better suited for a specific task than at running with the big dogs. I'm thinking the KISS principle here for people that do not use version control for anything else and just want to 'upload' their websites.
Caleb4,10222 gold badges2525 silver badges4949 bronze badges
8 Answers
I moved from Github For Windows and then Git Extensions to SmartGit and recommend it. Here's why-
- Cross-Platform (made in Java)
- Very easy to setup and use. If you have experience with any git clients before, you won't take a minute getting on business.
- Portable
Simple Clean UI. The main interface only shows the changed files and the big Commit, Merge, Push and Pull buttons.
Commercial software but free for private use.
For git beginners or non-git users, the only pain will be setting up the SSH keys. Once you have done that and cloned your first repository, it will be straight-forward and you will never have to open the console.
♦3,4981010 gold badges2424 silver badges4949 bronze badges
There is nothing like TortoiseGit for beginners.
- It integrates with Windows Explorer (no new UI to learn)
- Open source (GPL)
- Setup/initialize new local repo:
- Basic functions are in the top of context menu (Sync, Commit, Push and Pull):
I am using Atlassian SourceTree and like it a lot.
Here's the drill:
- Free (not open-source thought AFAIK)
- Feature rich - Almost all the features of Git is there (not of GitHub, though, e.g. I didn't find a way to rebase a GitHub fork. It's doable using ordinary Git commands - adding remote etc, but not out of the box)
- Supports GitFlow
Nice UI:
Git Ui For Mac
Bottom line - I find it almost perfect and use it for all the needs not covered inside my IDE.
4,10222 gold badges2525 silver badges4949 bronze badges
I very much like Git for Windows (msysGit).It has three 'modes' - Bash (where you can do everything), Windows Context Menu, and GUI (where you can do a lot less but it is I would say very user friendly).
- makes it relatively simple to setup and initialize: Very easy
- one or more local repos: Initialization is very simple and you can have as many as you want with no conflicts.
- a single git+ssh remote: Easy - pretty easy to add more remotes if desired at some point in the future as well. (see screenshot below which is accessed by GitGUI->remote->add)
- authentication using an RSA key pair (generation of this would be a bonus): Yes, you can also generate it although that is only via cmd line (see this tutorial)
- has a simple interface where a basic workflow of committing and pushing is easy to accomplish without understanding the intricacies of distributed version control: Yes, see screenshot, it was much easier to learn for me when I first started playing with code than RapidSVN or TortoiseSVN.
From the cmdline you can do EVERYTHING (pretty much); the GUI does have quite a few features but nothing complicated is shown on the front screen (only commit related), everything else is hidden in the menus.
4,10222 gold badges2525 silver badges4949 bronze badges
Nick Wilde
Nick Wilde5,98144 gold badges2323 silver badges5757 bronze badges
The most simplistic and easy I have ever seen is GitHub for Windows:
But there is one caveat: using with non-github repositories isn't intuitive (feels like a hack TBH).
Best Git Ui
You may consider using GitKraken. Some features:
- Free for non-commercial use
- Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux)
- Multiple profile support
- One-click undo & redo
- Built-in merge tool
- Drag and drop to merge, rebase, reset, push and more
- Resizable, easy-to-understand commit graph
- View image diffs in app
- Submodules and Gitflow support
- Integrate with GitHub or Bitbucket account
Dariusz WoźniakDariusz Woźniak
ungit has a strong ease of use and understandability focus (as the name suggests)
It is Node.js based and runs a server that users can view on the browser, so it is cross platform.
Not sure if it manages SSH for users, but it is definitely something that I can see them doing.
Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件51911 gold badge55 silver badges1515 bronze badges
- crossplatform (Linux, Windows, OSX)
- GitKraken advertise itself as better that Git Cola
I use it as main git interface on Linux. Very easy to do everyday operations

- Commit
- Revert last local commit (change description, add missing changes)
- Commit changes for selected lines (isolate not related changes)
- View Log (included DAG tool)

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